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Sura Name: Ta-ha Total Ayats: 135 Displaying: 41-50 

Select pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

20.41 . And I have attached thee to Myself .


20.42 . Go , thou and thy brother , with My tokens , and be not faint in remembrance of Me .


20.43 . Go , both of you , unto Pharaoh . Lo! he hath transgressed ( the bounds ) .


20.44 . And speak unto him a gentle word , that peradventure he may heed or fear .


20.45 . They said : Our Lord! Lo! we fear that he may be beforehand with us or that he may play the tyrant .


20.46 . He said : Fear not . Lo! I am with you twain , Hearing and Seeing .


20.47 . So go ye unto him and say : Lo! we are two messengers of thy Lord . So let the Children of Israel go with us , and torment them not . We bring thee a token from thy Lord And peace will be for him who followeth right guidance .


20.48 . Lo! it hath been revealed unto us that the doom will be for him who denieth and turneth away .


20.49 . ( Pharaoh ) said : Who then is the Lord of you twain , O Moses?


20.50 . He said : Our Lord is He Who gave unto evening its nature , then guided it aright .


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