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Sura Name: Al-Anbiyaa Total Ayats: 112 Displaying: 81-90 

Select pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

21.81 . And unto Solomon ( We subdued ) the wind in its raging . It set by His command toward the land which We had blessed . And of everything We are aware .


21.82 . And of the evil ones ( subdued We unto him ) some who dived ( for pearls ) for him and did other work , and We were warders unto them .


21.83 . And Job , when he cried unto his Lord , ( saying ) : Lo! adversity afflicteth me , and Thou art Most Merciful of all who show mercy .


21.84 . Then We heard his prayer and removed that adversity from which he suffered , and We gave him his household ( that he had lost ) and the like thereof along with them , a mercy from Our store , and a remembrance for the worshippers ;


21.85 . And ( mention ) Ishmael , and Idris , and Dhul-Kifl . All were of the steadfast .


21.86 . And We brought them in unto Our mercy . Lo! they are among the righteous .


21.87 . And ( mention ) Dhun Nun , when he went off in anger and deemed that We had no power over him , but he cried out in the darkness , saying : There is no God save Thee . Be Thou glorified! I have been a wrong doer .


21.88 . Then We heard his prayer and saved him from the anguish . Thus We save believers .


21.89 . And Zachariah , when he cried unto his Lord : My Lord! Leave me not childless , though Thou art the best of inheritors .


21.90 . Then We heard his prayer , and bestowed upon him John , and adjusted his wife ( to bear a child ) for him . Lo! they used to vie one with the other in good deeds , and they cried unto Us in longing and in fear , and were submissive unto Us .


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